"Not only beautiful flowers but also buds and withered flowers have life, and each has its own beauty. By arranging flowers with reverence, one refines oneself" - Ikenobo Senno, 1542

Member Galleries

November 16, 2024: Mai-Zoe and Jiyuka

Teresa Silverman
What To Do When You Must Break a Rule: An Etude on Mae-Zoe

This workshop featured Mai- Zoe, essentially Front Soe. This is a version of a shoka, with shin, soe and tai, but there is a twist in that the soe must be inserted in front of the shin because there is no room for the soe to go toward the back. There are certain instances when this is necessary such as the tokonoma being too narrow, or when the character of the soe branch is such that it would face backward if used in the normal position, so it is inserted in front of the shin. Still another reason to use Mae-Zoe would be if you came upon an ideal shin branch that happens to have a branch toward the bottom of the shin that comes forward. Personally, I have encountered many an ideal branch that I would like to use as a shin if I could only turn it a certain way. Knowing how to do Mae-Zoe will add to your “tool” kit of shoka arrangements.

       Gallery 1: Mai-Zoe                    

Regina Chang -

Jiyuka Inspired by Contemporary Art

Ikenobo Professor Sasaki advocates creating a distinct Ikenobo freestyle of the FUTURE instead of relying on the sensibilities of the past. To create such work, we should observe the world at large (videos, photographs,painting etc.). In our workshop, we will go over basic Ikenobo Freestyle elements and present contemporary art photographs, followed by a demonstration. You will then choose one or two photographs that inspire you, and you will create your own freestyle designs accordingly. Have fun!

Gallery 2: Jiyuka Inspired by Contemporary Art

Mimi Santini-Ritt