Shoka Workshop: Sanshuike and Shimputai
Teresa Silverman
In the morning the focus was shoka sanshuike and the afternoon was devoted to shoka shimputai.
While both styles of arrangements are shoka, and each typically uses three materials, the form and spirit of each are vastly different. Sanshuike is a shofutai arrangement, which means it must have a shin, soe and tai, a very traditional form. Shoka shimputai has no expressed form,although it does have at least two yakueda: shin and yo. A third element, an ashirai, can complete the expression of the arrangement.
To fully express the shofutai form time was spent creating a koshi - the “hip” curve that shapes the shin elements. Getting comfortable with manipulating a koshi will make your shofutais sing!
The same materials were used for the two arrangements.